Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Samantha Harris
Elementary Secretary
Building Support Staff
Mary Robertson
Elementary Sped Para
Building Support Staff
Tina Anderson
Secondary Secretary
Building Support Staff
Padma Avula
Elementary Instructional Assistant
Building Support Staff
Pooja Bahirat
Elementary Secretary and Attendance Secretary
Building Support Staff
Marissa Blaszczyk
Special Projects/Registrar
Building Support Staff
Emily Carr
Health Clerk
Building Support Staff
Nicole Doane
Elementary Instructional Assistant
Building Support Staff
Jayme Ellis
Secondary Secretary/AD Secretary
Building Support Staff
Julie Garrett
Intervention Instructional Assistant
Building Support Staff
Jolie Hernandez
Secondary Sped Para
Building Support Staff
Valerie Hittle
Intervention Instructional Assistant
Building Support Staff
Nathan Johnson
Secondary Sped Para
Building Support Staff
Melissa Marter
Elementary Sped Para
Building Support Staff
Alfredo Rodriguez
Building Support Staff
Beth Sample
Media Technician
Building Support Staff
Tyler Wright
Facilities Manager
Building Support Staff