Are you a Twin Peaks graduate? Fill out our alumni survey to be added to our alumni email list!
about 13 hours ago, Rachel Cook
Seniors on their senior walk through the hallways
Dear TPCA Community, The TPCA Board of Directors Annual Elections are in March. This year, the Board of Directors will have two open seats. If you are interested in running for the Board of Directors detailed information regarding serving as a member of the Board and specific timelines can be found in the news section on the school's website. Further information regarding the requirements for candidacy are there as well. Further messages will be sent out as the election approaches, with times, dates and candidate information. Joseph Mehsling, Executive Director
about 15 hours ago, Joseph Mehsling, Executive Director
Board of Directors Elections
Class Picture Day is coming on February 20th and 21st for Preschool & Elementary students. These are uniform days. You should have recieved a flyer in Thursday folders. You can get information and prepay by following the link below.
about 20 hours ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
sticky note picture day reminder
Class Picture Day is coming on February 20th and 21st for Preschool & Elementary students. These are uniform days. You should have recieved a flyer in Thursday folders. You can get information and prepay by following the link below.
5 days ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
frames with picture day information
Ms. Lovely (12th grade Modern Literature) and Ms. Carucci (3 year old PK) brought their classes together for some reading time last week. Lots of wonder on both sides! Ms. Lovely read a page of Chekov which one preschooler stated he preferred over picture books. Both classes were left buzzing with excitement and more questions, with strongly made requests to reunite in the near future!
5 days ago, Alycia Burns
students reading books to smaller students
students reading books to smaller students
students reading books to smaller students
students reading books to smaller students
students reading books to smaller students
students reading books to smaller students
The Twin Peaks PTO is excited to share our newly formatted newsletter with our TPCA community. In an effort to better share our news, events and needs, we decided to take a new approach when communicating with our TPCA families. Please check out the newsletter and let us know if you have any questions or can assist with any of our upcoming events and opportunities. The newsletter will live on the PTO page of the Twin Peaks website as well as on our Facebook page but if you want the newsletter to come directly to your inbox, please email
6 days ago, Parent-Teacher Organization
PTO Newsletter
Ms. Carucci's class is spreading the love during Kindness week!
7 days ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
students delivering big valentine
Another day of indoor recess? No problem for Mrs. Linton's preschoolers and Mrs. Mowat's 5th graders! They had recess together, reading stories and playing Dance Freeze.
7 days ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
students reading
students reading
students playing
Did you know that the TPCA PTO has its own page on the school website? In addition to Facebook and Instagram our PTO utilizes this web page to share information about our organization, upcoming events, volunteer needs, meeting minutes, and more! If you have a question or need a resource check here and always feel free to reach out to
8 days ago, Parent-Teacher Organization
PTO Website
Don't forget to join our next Booster Club meeting Feb. 10 at 5pm in the cafetorium. If you can't make it, see what our athletes have been up to in the latest newsletter.
9 days ago, High School Booster Club
Boys Basketball
✨🎉REMINDER: Tomorrow is the LAST day to register for the Twin Peaks Cheer Camp! Don't miss out on the fun! ✨🎉 DETAILS: 💚Monday, February 10th, from 3:30 - 5:00 PM in the Elementary Gym. 💛 For grades 1st - 5th 💚 Learn a short, fun cheer routine to perform during halftime of the girls' basketball game on Thursday, February 13th, at 6:00 PM. 💛 $65 cost includes a camp t-shirt and 2 tickets to the girls basketball game! Performance Day Details (Feb 13): 💚Meet at 5:30 PM in the cafeteria for a quick rehearsal. 💛Wear black bottoms and tennis shoes. Cheer t-shirts will be handed out during rehearsal! 💚Don’t miss the deadline—register by February 7th! 📩 Questions? Contact Alissa Gutierrez at 👉 Sign up here: 💳 Pay here:
13 days ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
Elementary cheerleaders
This year's Literacy Night was filled with mystery and intrigue!
13 days ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
Carmen san diego
2 students
sing along
geography bee
book walk
First graders made apple volcanoes to better understand real volcanoes!
13 days ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
apple volcano
apple volcano
apple volcano
apple volcano
1st Grade students have been learning all about the Impressionists and their desire to capture a moment in time. Edgar Degas was famous for capturing the graceful movement of ballet dancers. First graders took turns posing while the rest of the class did quick gesture drawings of their movements, just like Degas.
16 days ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
1st grade art class
1st grade art class
Hello TPCA Elementary Families! Literacy night is right around the corner! Come join us for a night of mystery and intrigue on Tuesday, February 4th from 5:30-7:30pm. On top of the Book Fair that begins on Tuesday, we will have a lot of fun activities, storytellers, a game show, a sing-along, and much more! Is literacy night happening during your dinner time? No problem, our Booster Club will be set up in the cafeteria so you can purchase dinner AND support our school!
17 days ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
boy dressed like a detective
Major announcement! Beginning in February, students are invited to join staff in our celebration of a unique Twin Peaks Classical Academy tradition. Green Pants Thursday is officially open to all Pk-12 students to participate in! Green pants must follow all expectations of dress-code appropriate pants. For K-8, this means they must follow uniform pant guidelines (any front zipper and/or button-closure style pants). We are so excited to share this fun and playful piece of our culture with our students!
18 days ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
Secondary Leadership team in green pants
It's almost here!!!! Our Paper Pie book fair starts this Tuesday at 5:30 pm!!! It will run Tuesday from 5:30-8pm, Wednesday at 3:15-5:30 pm, and Thursday 3:15- 5:30pm. Please use the Performing Arts Entrance by the Commons. The book fair will be upstairs in our Elementary library. We can't wait to see you Read S'more.
19 days ago, Amber Coniff, Elementary Principal
book fair images
Here is your Timberwolves Nation Athletic/Activity News for February!
19 days ago, Cameron Wright
Square News
📣💚 Calling All Elementary Students! 💛 Cheer Camp is happening on Monday, February 10th, from 3:30-5:00 PM in the Elementary Gym! Ms. G will lead 1st - 5th graders in a fun routine that they will perform at halftime at the girls' basketball game on Thursday, February 13th, at 6:00 PM. 💚 Details: Cost: $65 (includes a T-shirt + 2 tickets to the basketball game!) Register by January 31st to ensure you receive a Cheer Camp T-shirt! 💛 Sign up here: 💳 Pay here: 📩 Questions? Reach out to Alissa Gutierrez at Spots are filling fast—don’t wait! Let’s cheer for TPCA together! 💚📣💛 #TPCApride #CheerCamp
21 days ago, Twin Peaks Classical Academy
Elementary cheerleaders
Did you know your Twin Peaks PTO has its own Instagram page? Go follow @twinpeakspto on Instagram to stay up to date on our PTO news and events and also see a bit of what we are up to behind the scenes to benefit our students, staff, and community!
21 days ago, Parent-Teacher Organization
Pto Instagram